David Eisele grew up in the Black Forest near Freiburg, in Germany. He is an energetic person with a minimalistic lifestyle. The passion to discover extraordinary abilities and possibilities of the body and objects is at the heart of his artistic expression and source of motivation.
Redefining the Diabolo, and translating the emerging qualities of Diabolo and Cyr wheel into different contexts is in the focus of his work. The intense work with those objects made him arrive in his artistic signature: The quality of spinning.
After graduating 2018 from Codarts Circus Arts in Rotterdam, David Eisele produced his solo performance 'CYCLE'. His award winning act „SENSES“ took him on a journey through ten countries with over 120 perfomances.
In 2021, Eisele has been creating with the Scandinavian circus group "Acting for Climate" the outdoor performance "BARK". The international tour of this forest show is ongoing. Currently David Eisele continues to tour with "Senses" and the creation as an author and performer, "SAWDUST SYMPHONY." This trio show brings together their passion for tools, fresh wood, and object manipulation. With over 100 performances at renowned festivals and events all over Europe, David's character is described in the piece as „watching a magician dance“.
David Eisele is passionately driven by his vision to manifest light in a world that struggles the balance between darkness and uplifting nourishment for the soul. Standing on stages since a young age has propelled him to captivate audiences in multiple countries in a distinctive and compelling manner.